3.2 Surveyor Training

The basic training course for surveyors was held at the CMAC training center. The course lasted 4 weeks and involved a mix of classroom and practical work including role-playing to develop interview techniques and familiarity with the survey questionnaire.

Basic training in Kompong Chhnang

Basic Curriculum

Training Unit Course Content Purpose and Goals
Survey Introduction - general Level 1 strategy
- survey objectives and importance
ensure comprehensive understanding of national and international survey objectives
Interview Techniques - listening skills
- effective verbal communications
- body language
develop capacities, strategies and techniques for effective information gathering at the village level
Survey Questionnaire I - population sampling
- village information
- village sketch map
introduce the survey questionnaire; develop capacities to identify appropriate informants and to produce a representative village sketch map
Survey Questionnaire II -contaminated area form
- socio-economic impact form
continue introducing the questionnaire; further develop effective questioning strategies and accurate recording of information
Survey Questionnaire III - completing the questionnaire
- working in detachments
- general implementation procedures
ensure comprehensive understanding of all questionnaire components and implementation requirements
Map Interpretation I - basic information
- introduction to map reading
develop capacities to locate position on a map
Map Interpretation II - northings and eastings
- grid references
- map-related survey documentation
develop capacities to accurately record and use grid references; develop map-based navigational skills
Compass - use of the compass
- magnetic and grid references
- bearings
develop skills using a compass to orient a map to the ground and to record bearings
GPS I - introduction to GPS
- using a handheld GPS unit
develop capacities to operate a GPS unit and to accurately record readings
GPS II - village reference points and benchmarks
- reconciling map/GPS discrepancies
further develop capacities to accurately record location and for effective choice of benchmarks and reference points
Communications - radio operations
- communications protocols
promote effective and reliable project communications

Examination topics and procedures

Final examinations were undertaken as part of the basic surveyor training in order to assess understanding and competence; and to enable determination of the best qualified individuals for selection as surveyors.

The examination aimed at a fair and transparent assessment of all trainees and included written and practical tests. Competence in each training topic was assessed by the relevant instructors. Testing was done in Khmer but the multiple choice format of the written test allowed expatriate managers to ensure that final results were accurately reported. Surveyors were assigned identification numbers so that their names did not appear at the top of their written examination forms. Expatriate managers also closely observed the practical testing to ensure fairness. The following components were included in the examination.

Examination Components

Written Tests Practical Tests
Map reading
Use of Compass
Use of GPS
Map reading
Use of Compass
Use of GPS
Interview Techniques Interview Techniques
Survey Process and Documentation
Questionnaire comprehension
Village sketch
Suspected area sketch
Use of hand held Motorola radio
Use of Codan radios
Communications protocol
  Driving (motorcycles)
General sills and safety
Minor mintenance and repair

Refresher Training

Refresher Training in Kompong Cham

Deployment plans were generally developed for periods of 3 weeks during which surveyors worked 6 and sometimes 7 days per week. At the end of each approximately 18-22 day deployment surveyors were granted leave in lieu of weekends worked during the previous deployment. Upon returning from leave and prior to commencement of the new deployment, surveyors participated in regular refresher courses of between .5 and 2 days duration.

The topics covered in each refresher training was based on observation of emerging or ongoing problems by the survey management team; the results of field QA/QC

Refresher Training Schedule and Curriculum

Date, Location of last Deployment Topics Covered
September 22, 2000
Kompong Chhnang
general review of questionnaire; review of safety procedures related to suspected area verification
October 10, 2000 Pursat Battambang review of safety procedures; use of maps and compasses; village and suspected area sketches; introduction of 'error reports' generated by the database unit
October 20, 2000 Battambang review of quality control procedures; preparation of deployment plans; procedure for confirming administrative boundaries; and an introduction of procedures to be used in verifying CRC incident data
January 8 – 9, 2001 Battambang Pailin briefing on database operations, GIS, production of field error reports; review documentation requirements; review QA/QC system and procedures; HQ support and personnel policy
March 3, 2001 Banteay Meanchey full review of the questionnaire with a view to make any necessary amendments to it; risk assessment and safety
April 19, 2001 Siem Riep Otdar Meanchey review changes made to questionnaire; develop a survey procedure for cluster bombs
July 8, 2001 Kompong Thom Preah Vihear briefing and retraining on completing the 'victim information form'; accurate recording of vegetation and terrain type; review of database generated error reports
September 25, 2001 Mondul Kiri Kracheh Steung Trang Rattanak Kiri clear and correct recording of numbers, village landmarks and center points; driving safety and insurance; vehicle maintenance
November 5, 2001 Kompong Spue In-depth briefing and review of emergency operating procedures with an emphasis on emergency communications, first aid requirements and emergencies on water (use of life jackets).
January 15, 2002 Takeo Refresher training on the use of GPS and compass; clear and correct recording of numbers; amendments to communications protocol
December, 2002 Specific procedures and information necessary to achieve methodological consistency in areas scheduled to be revisited; particular review of victim information requirements
January, 2002 Specific procedures related to the resurvey of Pailin
March 14, 2002 Specific procedures related to survey in areas previously inaccessible due to flooding; surveyor safety and security

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